Pre-Operative Education Classes

You have taken the first step towards a healthier lifestyle with your decision to have surgery. Each year, thousands of Americans make the decision to end their chronic pain by undergoing orthopedic or spine surgery.

Thank you for choosing OASIS Hospital for your orthopedic care. Our team appreciates the opportunity to help you on the road to your recovery. We are committed to excellence through exceptional teamwork. We offer a unique program that is designed to return you to an active lifestyle as quickly as possible. Each step of the program is carefully choreographed to give you the best possible results.

Research has demonstrated that patients have a significantly better recovery when they prepare for surgery ahead of time by attending a pre-operative education class. You will learn a simple, daily pre-operative exercise routine that when done during the weeks prior to surgery will help to decrease your pain, reduce the likelihood of common complications, and help you return to full function faster.

Most orthopedic and spine patients recover quickly. In most cases, you will be able to walk the first day after your surgery. Generally, you will be able to return to many of the activities that you enjoy in just a few short weeks.

We believe that recovery is a team effort between you and your ‘coach’ as well as your surgeon and our staff. That is why we want to involve both you and your coach in your treatment and throughout each step your surgical journey. Your healthcare team is dedicated to providing you with exceptional, compassionate care.

Preparation, education, continuity of care and a pre-planned discharge are the keys to optimum results in orthopedic and spine surgery.